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Homemade Spa Lovelies with Procured Goods This Fall

We have more than a few spa lovers over here at Procured Goods. You will notice that we will not tire easily of procuring bath time ritual products, skin care, and restful accessories. As a nod to building good rest and relaxation routines this fall, we are sharing two of our favorite at home spa recipes:

#1 A Very Good Bath

We love a long bath and a great book or audio podcast to melt away the day and prepare ourselves for slumber. It’s so relaxing to get lost in a story and enjoy the aromas and calming properties of a warm luxurious bath. Make this your new weekly relaxation routine! To warm running water, we add:

  • 1 eucalyptus shower fizzy - This is great for opening up sinuses during these fall months, but also provides great softening properties from the baking soda.
  • 1 lavender shower fizzy - You can’t have a relaxation bath without lavender and this additional shower fizzy just puts it over the edge!
  • Approximately 1 tablespoon of Lavender & Chamomile Body Oil (we eyeball this) - While we normally love to use this product just straight from the shower as an amazing way to lock in moisture and provide a amazing light scent of lavender and chamomile, we find that adding a smidge of this in our bath takes the scent and moisture to a whole new level of indulgence!
  • 1 cup of epsom salts - If you have any residual soreness or tension, we highly recommend adding a cup of epsom salts to your bath. Epsom salts have been around since the 17th century, with its top use being consistently listed as body ache relief. It’s inexpensive and great to keep around the house for after workouts, cold season, or for this weekly bath ritual that we hope you will create!

# 2 Best Homemade Face Mask for Impurities and Nourishment

This simple facemask is one that might not look so pretty while it’s on, but literally clears stubborn acne overnight and creates a super glow to wake up to in the morning. It’s made with French Green Clay (you can buy online readily) and Manuka Honey (also found online readily). French Green Clay is found naturally in the Montmorillonite region of France. It is composed of iron oxides, kelp seaweed, along with decomposed plant matter, providing for its green color. It’s amazing for the skin, containing magnesium, calcium, potassium, silicon, selenium, aluminum, titanium, cobalt, sodium, phosphorus, copper and zinc, making it absorbent and great for skin growth.

Manuka honey is a type of honey that originates in New Zealand and Australia from tea trees. The honey has such strong antibacterial properties that it has been used for wound healing, to heal sore throats, and for ulcer treatment. It gets its antibacterial effects from an active ingredient called Methylglyoxal (MGO), but it is also extremely hydrating. Instead of just mixing the clay with water, you can use regular honey, but the benefits of the Manuka Honey are that it will not only hydrate the skin, but will help with the skin’s biome, helping with any dirt and bacteria that may be present on the surface from the environment. Trust us, when you try this at home mask, you will want to add this to your routine at least twice a month, if not weekly, to maintain clear and glowing skin with your other beauty routines!


  • 1 teaspoon French Green Clay
  • 2-3 teaspoons* of Manuka Honey

*You can add more honey if needed to get the mask to a thinner toothpaste-like consistency, but you don’t want it to drip when you put it on. It is really to your liking! Always test on a small area of your face first since these are both strong natural ingredients.

Leave mask on for 10 minutes and wipe off gently with warm water. We recommend abstaining from your normal beauty routines and only applying a gentle facial oil to the skin after the use of this mask. This will allow the skin to rest and recover and benefit fully from the minerals of both the clay and the honey! Store any unused mask in an airtight container for your next use!

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